Dr. Ahmed M. Darwish

You need a GPS (Governance, Policies and Strategies)



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Dr. Ahmed M. Darwish was born in Egypt in 1959. He received his B.Sc. in Electronics and Communication Engineering and M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Cairo University, in 1981 and 1984 respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of California, Davis in 1988.

He received the Egyptian National Engineering Award for the year 1999. Dr. Darwish was selected by Singapore to receive the Middle East Eminent Persons Award (MEEP)-2007 in recognition for his work.  He also Received the Life Time Achievement Medal for his distinguished career from University of California, Davis in 2017.

Dr. Darwish is an international consultant. His consulting services covered Policies and Strategies; Governance and Organizational Development; Business Processes and Information Technology. He eHe was a consultant to a number of international organizations (UNDP, UNIDO, WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, FAO, ESCWA, European Union and World Bank), government organizations and companies in Egypt, Middle East, Africa, Europe and United States.

His 2 last public positions were Minister of State for Administration Development (2004-2011) and Chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone. 

As a Chairman of the SCZone, he laid the foundation of one of largest Special Economic Zones in the world (461 sq km and 6 ports). 

As a Minister he had three portfolios; The first was the preparation of the National Policy and Strategy Document on e-government in addition to the planning, administration and coordination of the implementation efforts of the four subprograms, namely; Basic Infrastructure, Services Delivery Over New Channels, State Resource Planning and Integration of National Databases. The second portfolio was the design and execution of the Institutional and Human Resources Development Program. Last but not least, the third was Governance institutionalization including transparency and integrity in government and public sector. 

The work done by the team was internationally recognized. Egypt’s Government electronic and web services rank is 23 out of 192 countries on the 2010 UN-PAN report and the program received the best service award both from the UN in New York (2009) and the African Union in Johannesburg (2008).

He was an invited speaker to numerous international events, among them: World Government Summit, Dubai 2022, Meeting of the Minds, Jakarta, 2019, Making Reform Happen, OECD Paris 2010, UNIDO General Conference, Vienna 2011 and UNIDO Forum on Strategies and Instruments for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development, Vienna June 2014, World e-ID, France 2012-2014, invited expert at the Helsinki Process: Improving International Investment Regime, Helsinki 2013, and Government Technology Summit, UAE, 2013 & 2014. In addition due to his work on innovation and entrepreneurship he was an invited key note speaker at several events among them International Innovation Summit, Tunis Sept. 2014 and Startup Weekend, Cairo 2013 & 2014.

His academic career started in 1988 as a lecturer and post-doctoral researcher with the Department of Electrical and Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Davis. In 1989, he joined Cairo University as an assistant professor, where later, he became an associate professor then a professor with the Computer Engineering Department in 1994 and 1999 respectively. During the year 96/97 he was on sabbatical leave with the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech. He is a member of few scientific and professional societies. He was the IEEE Egypt Section Chair (2011-2015). He supervised 10 PhD Dissertations and 26 MSc Thesis. He has over 64 publications in peer reviewed journals and scientific conferences, 11 invited papers, shared in 4 books, numerous invited talks and few sponsored research programs.




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