Awards  Interest    Supervision  Publications      Development     Funded Projects


·       Egyptian National Engineering Award for the Year 1999.

·       Middle East Eminent Persons, Singapore 2007.

·       University of California, Davis, Life Time Achievement (Distinguished Alumni Medal for Public Service), 2017.

Areas of Research Interest

-  e-Government

-  Governance; Transparency and Integrity

-  Institutional Development

-  Business Processes

-  Computer vision and image/video processing.
-  Video transmission over wireless communications.
-  Simulation of communication systems.
-  Parallel and distributed processing for image and video processing.

Graduate Supervision

- Ph.D.: 10 awarded the degree.
- M.Sc.: 29 awarded the degree.


68 papers in international peer reviewed journals and conferences, 11 invited papers, shared in 5 books and 83 invited talks.
(Click for full list).

Professional Development

  • Analyzed, designed and shared the development (one of three partners holding the IP) of RSVP, a reconfigurable simulation video performance tool for studying video transmission over wireless channels and ATM networks.  The package is in use by several universities, research centers and company R&D departments in Egypt and the USA.
  • Analyzed, designed and supervised the development of the first Egyptian Nutrient database system.  It is the first Arabic Latin system that confirms to all new international standards and takes into consideration both Langual and the new coding techniques that will be adopted shortly.
  • Designed and developed complete software package, "SIMPLE", for the simulation of digital communication systems.  The package is capable of generating signals in different modulation format, processing them and graphically representing the expected results.  SIMPLE works under UNIX, VMS or DOS and supports a large variety of graphical devices.  It has been an important research tool at the University of California, Davis, Cairo University, Vagina Tech. and few companies.

Funded Research Projects

  • Navy Collaborative Integrated Information Technology Initiative (NAVCIITI), ONR BAA 98-014, 1999, (PI: Prof. Kenneth L. Reifsnider et. al, Virginia Tech).
  • Planning of Telecommunications Networks; Urban Area Case Study.  Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, 1998, (PI: Prof. Samir I. Shaheen).
  • Applications of FPGA: Design and Implementation of an MPEG-2 Decoder.  FRCU, Supreme Council of Universities, 1998, (PI: Prof. Elsayed A. Talkhan).
  • A Computerized System for the Cairo University Central Library.   Research project # FRCU 90-001, Supreme Council of Universities, (PI: Prof. Samir I. Shaheen).
  • A Computerized System for the Faculty of Engineering Office of Student Affairs.  Research project # FRCU 90-002, Supreme Council of Universities, (PI: Prof. Farouk I. Ahmed).