Papers            Books              Invited Papers            Keynote Speaker

Papers [68]

1.    سلسلة بدائل، التحول الرقمى في مصر: الفرص والتحديات، أحمد درويش وأحمد السبكى. مركز الأهرام للدراسات السياسية والاستراتيجية. العدد 61 ديسمبر 2023.

2.    أحمد درويش. تكنولوجيات للمزيد من الشفافية والنزاهة. ضمير الوطن – هيئة الرقابة الإدارية – الأكاديمية الوطنية لمكافحة الفساد - العدد الخامس – ديسمبر 2023.

Darwish, Ahmed, Technologies for Increased Transparency and Integrity, Damir-El-Watan, Administrative Control Authority, Egyptian Anticorruption Academy, vol 5 Dec 2023.

Darwish, Ahmed, Technologies Pour Plus de Transperance et d’Integrite, Damir El-Watan, L’Autorite Controle Adminstratif, L’Academie Egypptiennne de Lutte Contre la Corruption, vol. 5 Dec. 2023.

3.     Ahmed, M.H., AboHussein, A., El-Shafei, A. Darwish, A.M. and Abdel-Gawad, A.H.;” Active Control of Flexible Rotors Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Application of mMulti-Actor-Critic Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, vol 124, Sept. 2023 106593.

4.     Darwish, A.M., “Egypt: From e-Government to e-Governance the Road to Fast Pace Development”, 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ICEGOV 2008, Cairo, Dec. 2008.

5.     Foda, K., Wahdan, M., Al-Ameri, K. and Darwish, A.; " Controlling a Robot Arm Using Exoskeleton for Land-Mines Disposal", International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems (ICCES'07), Cairo, Nov. 2007.

6.     Saleh, N., Boghdady, H., Shaheen, S. and Darwish, A.; "A Quasi-Lossless Data Embedding Technique for Color Palletized Images", IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication ICSPC07, Dubai, Nov. 2007. See also "A Quasi-Lossless Data Embedding Technique Based on Euclidean Distance Calculation", International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies SECUREWARE-2007, Spain, Oct. 2007.

7.     Saleh, N., Boghdady, H., Shaheen, S. and Darwish, A.; "An Efficient Lossless Data Hiding Technique for Palette-Based Images with Capacity Optimization", Sixth EURASIP Conference EC-SIPMICS-2007, Slovania, July. 2007. See also "Lossless and Quasi-Lossless Data Hiding Techniques for Color Palletized Images with Capacity Optimization", Second International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, ICSNC-2007, France, Aug. 2007.

8.     Hegazy, A, Darwish, A.M. and El-Fouly, R.; " Reducing µTESLA Memory Requirements", Second International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, ICSNC 2007, France, Aug. 2007.

9.     Hegazy, A, Darwish, A.M. and El-Fouly, R.; " Reversed MAC Chain Broadcast (RMCB) Protocol", Seventh IASTED International Conferences on Wireless and Optical Communications WOC 2007, Montreal, Canada, May 2007.

10.  Sheirah, K. M, Talkhan, I.E and Darwish, A.M., "Algorithms for Detecting Approximated 2D Curved Edges in a Polygon for 3D Generation", IEEE ICCES06, 2006

11.  Sheirah, K. M, Talkhan, I.E and Darwish, A.M., "Enhanced Techniques in Accessing 2D CAD Geometry for 3D Generation", ITI 3rd International Conference on Information & Communications Technology (ICICT 2005), Dec. 2005 pp. 551-562.

12.  Boshra, S., Abbas, H. and Darwish, A.M. "Improving Performance of Routability-Driven Routers", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), May 2006.

13.  Azab, A.M., El-Kassas, S.I. and Darwish, A.M., "Denial of Service Attacks Source Traceback", First International Computer Engineering Conference; New Technologies for the Information Society, ICENCO'04, Cairo Dec. 2004.

14.  Amin, A.M., Azab, A.M., Al-Mohandes, H.Z., Nabawy, A.M. and Darwish A.M, "Distributed Processing Over Loosely Coupled Networks", First International Computer Engineering Conference; New Technologies for the Information Society, ICENCO'04, Cairo Dec. 2004.

15.  Atta, A.Y.E., Darwish, A.M. and Metwally, M.S., "Thin Line Filtering", International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video & Speech Processing (ISIMP 2004), Hong Kong Oct. 2004.

16.  Ezzat, A.Y., Darwish, A.M. and Metwally, M.S., "Image Denoising in Soft Computing Framefork", Journal of Eng. and Applied Sc., vol. 52, no. 2, April 2004.

17.  Mohamed, A., Darwish, A., Shaheen, S., and Hegazy, N., "New Hierarchical Texture Image Segmnetation Technique Using Watershed Transform", Journal of Eng. And Applied Sc., vol. 50, no. 3, June 2002, pp. 517-536.

18.  Habib, S.E-D., Abdelhalim, M.B., Salama, A.E., Darwish, A. M., Galal, A.M. And Talkhan, E.A. , "Fpga-Based Mpeg2 Decoder", Proc. 14th International Conference On Microelectronics ICM2002, Lebanon, 2002, pp. 194-197.

19.  Wahby, M.A., Mostafa, K. And Darwish, A.M., "A DCT-Based MPEG2 Programmable Coprocessor", Proc. SPIE Media Processors, vol. 4674, Jan. 2002.

20.  Nasr, A.H., Darwish, A.M. and Shaheen, S.I., "Use of Intensity-Hue-Saturation (HIS) in Change Detection of Multitemporal remotely Sensed Data", Proc. SPIE Remote Sensing, vol. 4541, Toulouse, France, Sept. 2001.

21.  Fouad, M.A., Darwish, A.M., Shaheen, S.I. and Bayoumi, F., "Mode-Based Human Face Detection in Unconstrained Scenes", IEEE Inter. Conf. on Image Processing ICIP-2000, Canada, Sept. 2000.

22.  Diab, T.O. and Darwish, A.M., "A New Linear Model for Image Representation for Use with Kalman Filter Restoration", European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO '2000, Finland, Sept. 2000.

23.  Bikhet, S.F., Darwish, AM.,  Tolba, H.A. and Shaheen, S.I., "Segmentation and Classification of White Blood Cells", IEEE Inter. Conf. On Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc., ICASSP ’99, Turkey, June 2000.

24.  El-Taweel, S. and Darwish, A.M., "Texture Segmentation Using Shannon Wavelet", Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Ain-Shams University, 1999.  See also IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP'98, Chicago, Oct. 1998.

25.  Robert, P.M., Darwish, A.M. and Reed, J.H., "Fast Bit Error Generation for the Simulation of MPEG-2 Transmissions in Wireless Systems", IEEE Wireless Communications and Network Conf., WCNC 99, Sept. 1999.

26.  Mersal, S. and Darwish, A.M., “A New Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Gray Scale Images”, IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Turkey, June 1999.

27.  Robert, P.M., Darwish, A.M. and Reed, J.H., "MPEG Video Quality Prediction in a Wireless System", Vehicular Technology Conference, Houston, May 1999

28.  Mostafa, K., Shaheen, S.I., Darwish, A.M. and Farag, I., "A Novel Approach for Detecting and Correcting Segmentation and Recognition Errors in Arabic OCR Systems", 12th Inter. Conf. on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Cairo, May 1999.

29.  Ragab, M.E., Darwish, A.M., Abed, E.M. And Shaheen, S.I., "Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis Applied to an Egyptian Face Database", 12th Inter. Conf. on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Cairo, May 1999.

30.  Appass, A.R, Darwish, A.M., El-Desouki, A.I. And Shaheen, S.I., "Speedup of Vector Search for Image indexing Using Composite Regional Color Channel Features", 12th Inter. Conf. on Industrial & Eng. Applications of Artificial Intell. & Expert Sys., Cairo, May 1999.

31.  Tawfik, Y.S, Darwish, A.M. and Shaheen, S.I., "Energy Matching Based on Deformable Templates", IEEE Inter. Conf. On Acoustics, Speech and Sig. Proc., ICASSP ’99, Phoenix, March 1999.

32.  Nasr, A.H. and Darwish, A.M., "Change Detection of the West Part of El-Fayoum Area and El-Rayan Lakes Using Multitemporal TM Data", The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing, Feb. 1999.

33.  Mostafa, K. And Darwish, A.M., "A Novel Approach for Arabic Handwritten Cursive Script Recognition", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Feb. 1999.

34.  Darwish, A.M., "A Video Coprocessor: Video Processing in the DCT Domain", Proc. SPIE, Media Processors, vol. 3655, San Jose, Jan. 1999.

35.  Robert, P.M., Darwish, A.M. and Reed, J.H., "Effect of channel coding failure error distribution on MPEG wireless transmissions", Proc. SPIE, Visual Communications and Image Processing '99, vol. 3653, Jan. 1999.

36.  Appass, A.R, Darwish, A.M., El-Desouki, A.I. And Shaheen, S.I., "Image indexing using composite regional color channel features", The Egyptian Computer Journal, vol. 26, Dec. 1998.  See also: Proc. SPIE, Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII, vol. 3656, Jan 1999.

37.  Mostafa, K. and Darwish, A.M., "Robust baseline independent algorithms for segmentation and reconstruction of Arabic handwritten cursive script", Proc. SPIE, Document Recognition and Retrieval VI, vol. 3651, Jan 1999.

38.  Saleh, N., Darwish, A.M. and Shaheen, S.I., "Modified Block Truncation Coding for Compression of Images with a Limited Color Palette", 33rd. Annual Conf. on Stat., Comp. Sc. & Oper. Research, Cairo, Dec. 1998.

39.  Osman, A.M., Darwish, A.M. and Shaheen, S.I., "Adaptive Synchronization for Real-Time Multimedia Applications", Proc. SPIE, Multimedia Systems and Applications, vol. 3528, Boston, Nov. 1998.

40.  Darwish, A.M., "The Use of Radon Transform to Improve Video Transmission Robustness", Ninth Annual International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, ICSPAT '98, Toronto, Sept. 1998.

41.  Darwish, A.M. and Bader, M.Y., "A Novel Approach for Pavement Distress Detection and Classification", Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Ain-Shams University, June 1998.

42.  Darwish, A.M., Bedair, M.S. and Shaheen, S. I., "An Adaptive Image Resampling Algorithm for Image Zooming,” IEE Proc. Vision, Image & Signal Processing, 1997, pp. 207-212.  See also: Proc. SPIE EI: Image and Video Processing 96, vol. 2666, San Jose, Jan. 96, pp. 131-144.

43.  Darwish, A.M. and Kamel, I.L., "Industrial Training of Engineering Students in the Arabian Gulf Universities", World Congress of Engineering Educators and Industry Leaders, UNESCO, Paris, July 1996.  See also: Darwish, A.M., ElKanzy, E.A., Talaat, H.E. in Regional Workshop on New Approaches to Engineering Education, Al-Ain, Apr. 1995.

44.  Darwish, A. M., "A Fast Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm", Proc. SPIE EI: Still Image Compression 96, vol. 2669, San Jose, Jan. 1996, pp. 76-80.

45.  Darwish, A.M. and Bashandy, A.R., "Recognition and Processing of Logic Diagrams", Proc. SPIE EI: Document Recognition III, vol. 2660, San Jose, Jan. 1996, pp. 367-376.  See also: Inter. Conf. for Young Computer Scientists, ICYCS '95, Beijing, July 1995.

46.  Darwish, A.M., "Integer Representation of Planer Lines and Curves", 29th. Annual Conf. on Stat., Comp. Sc. & Oper. Research, vol. IV, Cairo, Dec. 1994.

47.  Semary, H., Mashaly, S., Darwish, A. M. and Shaheen, S. I., "Performance Evaluation of a Novel Fault Tolerance Training Algorithm", IEEE Inter. Conf. on Neural Networks, (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence), vol. II, Orlando, June 1994, pp. 856-861.  See also: 11th. European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, Aug. 1994.

48.  Darwish, A. M., "3D from Focus and Light Stripes", Proc. SPIE Sensors & Control for Advanced Automation II, vol. 2247, Frankfurt, Germany, June 1994.

49.  Mostafa, K., and Darwish, A. M., "Image Compression Using Two Bit Rates Vector Quantization", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cairo University, April 1994.

50.  Darwish, A. M. and Auda, G. A., "A new Composite Feature Vector for Arabic Handwritten Signature Recognition", IEEE Inter. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, ICASSP '94, Australia, April 1994.

51.  Bashandy, A. R., Darwish, A. M. and Shaheen, S. I., "Recognition of Red Blood Cell Abnormalities Using a New Set of Closed Contour Features", AAAI Spring Symposium on Medical Applications of Computer Vision, Stanford, Mar. 1994.

52.  Darwish, A. M., "Introduction to Special Issue on Machine Vision and Applications", guest editor, Inter. Journal of Robotics & Automation, vol. 8, no. 2, 1993, pp. 41-43.

53.  Auda, G. A., El-Desouky, A. I. and Darwish, A. M., "A Comparative Study of Some Supervised Neural Networks", The Egyptian Computer Journal, vol. 22, no. 1, ISSR, June 1993.

54.  Darwish, A. M. and Mohamed, E. H., "A Study of the Fourier Descriptors Statistical Features", Proc. SPIE Computer Vision for Industry, vol. 1989, Munich, Germany, June 1993.

55.  Darwish, N. M., Darwish, A. M. and Hemayed, E. E., "A Comparative Study Between Speeding Up Techniques for Ray Tracing", Engineering Scientific Bulletin, vol. 28, no. 1, Ain-Shams University, Mar. 1993, pp. 463-479.

56.  Darwish, A. M., "SIMPLE: Simulation of Digital Communication Systems", The Egyptian Computer Journal, vol. 20, no. 2, ISSR, Dec. 1992.

57.  Darwish A. M. and El-Sayed, K. M., "Vector Quantization Performance Improvement for Low Bit Rates and Large Vectors", 27th. Annual Conf. on Stat., Comp. Sc. & Oper. Research, vol. IV, Cairo, Dec. 1992, pp. 267-279.

58.  El-Behery, A. S., Darwish, A. M. and Mashali, S., "VSAC: A New Algorithm for Image Sequence Coding", Proc. SPIE Digital Image Processing and Visual Communications Technologies in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences II, vol. 1819, Boston, Nov. 1992.

59.  El-Behery, A. S., Mashali, S. and Darwish, A. M., "Threshold Competitive Learning for Vector Quantization", Proc. SPIE Digital Image Processing and Visual Communications Technologies in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences II, vol. 1819, Boston, Nov. 1992.

60.  El-Behery, A. S., Mashali, S. and Darwish, A.M., "Vector Quantization of Images Using Neural Networks", AMSE International Multiconference on Signals, Data and Systems: Neural Networks, Modeling & Simulation and Knowledge Processing, Chicago, Sept. 1992.

61.  Darwish, A.M. and Mohamed, E. H., "A New Shape Number Based on The Fourier Descriptors", Proc. 2nd. IASTED Int. Conf. on Comp. Appl. in Industry, Alexandria, May 1992, pp. 300-303.

62.  Darwish, A. M., Refaat, A. M. and Ali, I. K., "A Rule Based System for Foundation Analysis and Design", 26th. Annual Conf. on Stat., Comp. Sc. & Oper. Research, Cairo, Dec. 1991, pp. 229-239

63.  Darwish, A. M., "A Test-Bed for Distributed Processing Architectures for Computer Vision Algorithms", ISMM International Conference on Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis, Las Vegas, NV, Mar. 1991, pp. 254-260.

64.  Darwish, A. M. and Jain, A. K., "A Rule Based Approach for Visual Pattern Inspection", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. & Machine Intell., vol. PAMI-10, no. 1, Jan. 1988, pp. 56-68.

×    هذا البحث تم اختياره من قبل جمعية مهندسى الكهرباء والإلكترونيات IEEE كواحد من أفضل 10 أبحاث نشرت خلال عقد الثمانينات في مجال الرؤية بالحاسب.  

See also: Kasturi, R and Jain, R (eds.), Computer Vision: Advances & Applications, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991, pp. 618-630.

65.  Darwish, A. M. and Jain, A. K., "Midline Model Based Segmentation", Proc. IEEE Computer Vision & Pattern Recog., CVPR '86, Miami, FL, June 1986, pp. 614-618.

66.  Darwish, A. M. and Jain, A. K., "A Rule Based System for Automated Industrial Inspection", Proc. SPIE, Applications of Artificial Intelligence III, vol. 635, Orlando, Apr. 1986, pp. 172-181.

67.  Shaheen, S. I. and Darwish, A. M., "Microcomputer Based Image Processing System", Proc. IEEE Melecom '85, vol. II. Digital Signal Processing, Lispon, Portugal, October 1985.

68.  Metwally, M. S., Bahnas, Y. and Darwish, A. M., "Microprocessor Based Arabic/Latin CRT Terminal", Egyptian Journal of Oper. Research & Applied Stat., vol. 8, no. 1, Feb. 1982, pp. 601-609.  See also 8th. Annual Operation Research Conf., Zagazig University, Egypt.

Books / Conference Editing [5]

1.     Higer Education in the Arab World, Springer 2024. (Eds Badran, Baydoun & Mesmar). Chapter 3: Education in the Digital Transformation Era: The common Mistake, One Size Fits All. Darwish, A.M. and El-Sobky, A.M.

2.    تعزيز وصول المواطنين إلى العدالة ودعم المساعدة القانونية في الوطن العربي – تقديم إسماعيل سراج الدين - إعداد وتحرير: أحمد درويش - أحمد غانم - محسن يوسف - مكتبة الإسكندرية 2010.

3.    حرية تداول المعلومات في مصر - تقديم إسماعيل سراج الدين إعداد وتحرير: أحمد درويش - ماجد عثمان - معتز سلامة - محسن يوسف - مكتبة الإسكندرية 2009.

4.    معجم مصطلحات الحاسب – مجمع اللغة العربية – الإصدار الثانى 1995.

5.     Darwish, A. M., Solutions Manual to accompany Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by Anil K. Jain, Prentice Hall, 1990.

Invited Papers [11]

1.     El-Askalany, H, Rashad, M. and Darwish, A.M., “EISI-Government, The Egyptian Information Society Initiative for Government Services Delivery”, Kuwait Conference on e-Governmnet, Oct. 2003.

2.     Hannan, A., Darwish, A.M. and Reed, J.H., "Simulation of Doppler and Weather Condition Effects on Mobile LMDS Services", Wireless Opportunities Workshop: Deployment Experience and the Future of LMDS, Virginia, Sept. 1999.

3.     Darwish, A.M., "Telecommunications vs. Environment, Telecommunications Solutions", TDA workshop on Best Practices for Tourism Center Development, Cairo, Mar. 1999.

4.     Shawki, T.G. and Darwish, A.M., "On the Implementation of the MCTs in Arab States, UNESCO's Views and Prospects", ITU Workshop on the Role of Community Telecenters in Forcasting Universal Access and Rural Development, Tunis, Mar. 1999.

5.     Darwish, A.M., "Office Automation; New Trends and Management Support", Workshop on Management for Change: Towards and Information Society, Engineering Management Society, Cairo, Oct. 1998.

6.     Darwish, A.M., "Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels: Problems and Research Directions", NTI Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Networks, Cairo, Feb. 1998.

7.     Darwish, A.M., "High Quality Video Over Wireless Channels Current Standards and Future Directions", IEEE Computer Society Seminar, Dec. 97.

8.     Darwish, A.M., “Data Storage for Optimum Access”, Business Administration Workshop, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Oct. 1997.

9.     Darwish, A.M., “The Eye, the Brain and the Computer”, IEEE Seminar, Dubai Mar. 95.

10.  Abdel-Latif, N. A., Assad, M. R. and Darwish, A. M., "The Evolution and Future of Egyptian Networks", Feasibility study workshop of an informatic network infrastructure for scientific research in central and eastern Europe and in emerging countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Apr. 1992, H4.SMR/655-31.

11.  Goldstein, S. and Darwish, A.M., "International Networks: Management, Economics and Related Issues", Feasibility study workshop of an informatic network infrastructure for scientific research in central and eastern Europe and in emerging countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Apr. 1992, H4.SMR/655-29.


7.1.    دعوات كمتحدث رئيسى

(Keynote Speaker)

83 دعوة للتحدث فى 23 دولة في المؤتمرات وتجمعات رجال الأعمال (2011-2024) منها على سبيل المثال:

1.    متحدث في الأسبوع الأوروبى للإنترنت عن القواعد التنظيمية في ضوء التصميم الجديد للإصدار الثالث للإنترنت – فرانكفورت – ألمانيا – سبتمبر 2024.

2.    متحدث في القمة العالمية للحكومات - دبى (3 مرات آخرها مارس 2022)

3.    متحدث رئيسى في مؤتمر لقاء العقول – جاكرتا – إندونيسيا - ديسمبر 2019.

4.    ضيف غرفة التجارة الأمريكية بواشنطن – الغرفة البريطانية بلندن – الغرفة الفرنسية بباريس (2016)

5.    متحدث رئيسى للمؤتمر الدولى للهوية الإلكترونية – نيس – فرنسا - سبتمبر2012 و2013 ومارسيليا سبتمبر 2014.

6.    متحدث رئيسى بالمنتدى التكنولوجى للحكومات، أبوظبى فبراير 2013 ودبى، فبراير 2014

7.    متحدث للمؤتمر العام لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة للتنمية الصناعية بخصوص التوقعات المستقبلية لمشكلة البطالة فى الشرق الأوسط، فيننا، نوفمبر 2011 ومنتدى استراتيجيات وأدوات النمو الاحتوائى المستدام للصناعة، فيينا، يونيو 2014 ومنتدى الاقتصاد الأخضر والتكنولوجيا، البحرين، يناير 2015.

8.    متحدث رئيسى للمنتدى الدولى للابتكار، تونس سبتمبر 2014.

9.    متحدث رئيسى مؤتمر منظمة التنمية والتعاون الاقتصادى OECD "كيفية حدوث الإصلاح"، باريس، ديسمبر 2010.


خبير مدعو من قبل العديد من المنظمات والهيئات لورش عمل السياسات ومنها على سبيل المثال:

1.    ورشة الإصلاح الاقتصادى والعدالة الاجتماعية بالمنطقة العربية – تحت رعاية الأمير الحسن بن طلال وشبكة لاندو ومنتدى وانا – بكومو بإيطاليا 2012.

2.    مؤتمر المفوضية الأوروبية المعنى بمستقبل علاقات الاتحاد الأوروبى بالجنوب فى ضوء المتغيرات خلال عام 2011 – وارسو ديسمبر 2011.

3.    مجموعة هلسنكى لتطوير نظام الاستثمار العالمى – أبريل 2013.